I’ve successfully created a strategy to speed up retirement by 20 years and earn passive income to gain financial freedom
I’m a Certified Public Accountant that discovered a strategy to help expedite financial freedom by 20 years through option contracts. Learn how I started with $2,000 and continue to earn 20% - 40% returns on my investments yearly, which is almost quadrupled the average return on investment!
Michael M. CPA - Founder of Prolific Pockets
Ready To Learn How I’m Speeding Up Retirement and Financial Freedom by 20 Years? Here’s The Steps I Will Teach You In My Options Masterclass!
Step 1 - Changing Your Mindset
It all begins with how you think about investing. Either you’re a consumer or an investor. Either you prioritize paying your bills and purchases first or you prioritize paying yourself first and investing. Our first step is teaching you the laws used by the wealthiest people in the world to gain financial freedom.
Step 2 - The 8th Wonder of the World
Next, you’ll need to understand how the wealthiest people in the world use compounding interest to gain financial freedom and how the rich get richer.
Step 3 - Goal Setting
Without a vision, the people with perish. It’s important to calculate what financial freedom will look like for you. Here, I will teach you how to calculate your future financial goals and work towards accomplishing your vision.
Step 4 - Choosing The Best Platform
In order to being building wealth, you’ll need to use the best platform for investing in option contracts. Here, I will walk you through how to open and setup an account to get started
Step 5 - The Basics of Option Contracts
In order for you to understand the strategy I use to speed up retirement and financial freedom, I’m going to teach you the very basics of option contracts. We’ll define important definitions you’ll need to know to get started.
Step 6 - Understanding Option Contract Strategies
After the learning the basics and important definitions for investing in Option Contracts, I’m going to being teaching you the basic strategy most people use to invest in option contracts. Once you understand the basic strategy, I will teach the advanced, secret strategy I personally use to speed up retirement and gain financial freedom by 20 years.
Step 7 - Bonus Material
Last, but certainly not least, I will walk you through some bonus material that will help you minimize the amount of time you spend on investing. My goal is for you to understand you gain financial freedom without having to spend time in front of a computer all day.